Tuesday 22 January 2013

Obliterators, a unit thereof

Here's the last Obliterator for the first heavy support unit:

And here's the completed unit, giving me a full squad of three Obliterators or, with the addition of the Mutilator to counts-as for another Obliterator, two squads of two. I'm happy enough with the colour scheme that this will now serve as the template for the rest of the army. 

Saturday 15 December 2012

Nurgle Mutilator

He doesn't yet have the final weathering pass, but here's Mason the Mutilator (+1 internets for anyone who gets that reference without Googling it):  

And next to the Obliterator to show the consistency of colour schemes:

Monday 10 December 2012

Painted Obliterator

I finally (yes, I know, I'm a very slow painter) managed to get the first of the new batch of Obliterators painted. Here he is:

The plan is to use this scheme as the template for the rest of the Obliterators, and - with a few small adjustments due to the different weapon loadout - the Mutilators too. Here's the first Mutilator, build completed and ready for painting:

Spiky. Very, very spiky...

Monday 11 June 2012

Finished Plaguebearer Squad

Here at last is the completed first squad of Plaguebearers for the Angels of Disease:

Sunday 20 May 2012

Painted Plaguebearer

Here's the first finished Plaguebearer, all painted up at last (yes, I know, I'm a slow painter):

Monday 30 April 2012

Havoc Squad 'Plaguehammer'

So here's the first Havoc squad all built and ready for paint-age:

The Havoc Champion has one of the old-school Legion of the Damned heavy bolters, whose skeleton goes well with the Nurgly feel and the rather organic look of his asymmetric backpack:

A close-up of the augmetic cabling detail on his head:

And some of the other guys:

Sunday 8 April 2012

Cry Havoc!

Here's the first completed member of Havoc Squad 'Plaguehammer':

The other 6 are in the process of being finished...